Monday, February 4, 2013


thank you, thank you all for every single letters and alphabets that pierced right through my heart. those written words and sentences that form one complete emotional essay, as though voicing out for that little heart of mine, whispering in my ears reminding me how ignorant is this little girl.

grace and blessings never left her. God so love this little girl, that she is keep growing. mold by His own hand, becoming stronger and having more courage and faith. turning into a young lady that wanted to live for Him, push herself and run towards Him no matter what's the obstacle is in front of that long track, searching the light and breathing the air He provides when she's about to suffocate and drenched into a lost world.

thank You, for being there all the time. without You, she wouldnt be able to live.

i thank God and am grateful, because He didnt forget to wake me up this morning. and you too. :)

stay with me

she knows, someone, somebody, anybody out there do understand.
will you, stay with her?
and i'll make sure, promise, she will try her best to bear with you,
hold on tight to you and never let go.
cause she knows you will strengthen her, keep her uphold and provide her needs.
i know, you, will never fail her.
you love her, and she loves you too
so please, dear you, stay with her.
as she wants to continue to live for You, Jesus Christ.