ive stopped writing. i know.
im going downhill. being back home is great. awesome. being afraid to people, watching out who is really who, guessing people's darkest mind is not. and when this happened, i will hide. avoid those people, places and situation that might cause chaos. i am keep deciding everything according to my own will. as long as im good, im happy. with the only bunch that i love.
nope, this is not good. im of no difference with those selfish people. thinking that, everyone is being okay with me. truth is, i am the only one that loves being together, hanging those blissful faces, and telling those happy tales.
how you look, what to do, what to say, what to feel, all these matters. to define who the heck are you. from other people. how pathetic. where's the true and sincere feelings and thoughts?
Jeremiah 17:9 The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately sick;who can understand it?
the answer goes to the most awesome God.
wen, He knows.