Thursday, January 23, 2014

So dear to me

He said, the one thing he looked forward to, was to see her smile on his birthday. So he bought her flowers which she always nagged him with and treated her like a princess. She said, she wanted him to feel special and memorable on his birthday. So she too, made him a surprise by inviting all his friends over together celebrating with his family when he thought the day has ended. That was how he wanted her to be happy and she wanted him to be happy.

There, there, happiness overload. It was such a sweet time. Being together, and watching you receiving blessings from family and friends was a meaningful moment. Then, we talked about dreams and future. What's your dream?, I asked. How you wanted your life to be in the future? Some people wanted to live in a big city and drive good cars. Some people wanted to help the sick and serve in the hospital and some people wanted to have a family and kids. It was weird. I didnt know mine. Not anymore. I once wanted to go overseas and live a different life. I once wanted to take up pilot and fly. I now think about my family when i dream, my calling when i dream, and dearest you when i dream. I remember i asked him a few times these questions. He didnt need to say much, only these, "My dream includes you. Wherever i'll be, i wanted to be with you."

1 Peter 4:8 Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins.

Love never fails

Saturday, January 11, 2014


长过 也短过
圈过 也直过
肥过 也瘦过
白过 也黑过
丑过 也美过
好过 也坏过

2014 请问你 想怎么度过?

想啊想 就为着去年和今年 祷告了 
感恩 欣慰 醒悟 然后 立志
脑海里就浮现 真诚 这两个字 
好吧 它,就是我今年的主题 
每当我事奉的时候 要真诚
每当我待人的时候 要真诚
每当我祷告的时候 要真诚
每当我难过的时候 要真诚
即便有多么不愉快的事情 我都好想拥有颗最真诚的心
不把任何事都想得太复杂 好好 
可以不用去理会那可怕又听不见恶毒的心思 好好
可以真实的经历上帝的恩典和无私的爱  好好
所以 记住了! 把你的主题 挂在每一天所遇到的事情上 
对神对人 都献出最真诚的心灵 

让后再把它牢记在心底 在任何的人事物 以你的主题来度过你的2014.


Matt 22:37, 79 Jesus replied,Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. And the second that is, Love your neighbour as yourself