That particular day when we had a combined prayer meeting, I was feeling rather tired and gloomy. I did not feel like going and i thought i could skipped. So i was dragging my feet to walk back home as i finished class at 5pm, cooked and showered. There i convinced myself to let go of everything and seek God.
With a heavy heart, i went there, sat at the back row, planning to do this in silence. A few minutes before the praise and worship, i thought God must be kidding when the lead asked us to come up front. I had to sit with someone else then. Worse, when it came to prayers, pastor told us to find someone we do not know as we all came from different churches and denominations, to form a small group and pray together.
That night, was indeed the most tiring and yet wonderful prayer night. Me and jack found this auntie sat in the corner. So we went up to her and form a group. Surprisingly, that auntie was truly adorable and loving. We talked about a lot of things and her enthusiasms and energetic spirits struck me. I was feeling rather ashamed for a 22 year-old young woman who find herself boring and dull. Half way through the prayers, auntie lisa suddenly grabbed my hand and prayed for me. Twice! I was so surprised and touched to have someone being so sweet and concerned about me. After her long prayers, we said amen and i hugged her. She received and gave me a sweet kiss on the cheek! What she did next was even more astonishing, she took off her earrings and gave it to me! I was dumbfounded and eyed at jack for rescue. After a few rounds of elbow pushing, i accepted it with a grateful heart. She said something that i think i will never forget for the rest of my life.
"This is a gift from God, the love from God. I want you to remember tonight, as after tonight, you will be a changed young woman. God is going to use you and I believed that."
When I did not even believe myself, someone who don't know me, a stranger told me these. It was indeed a blessed night. God knows i have struggles within me. But the prayers were so powerful and our God is so real that i experienced Him.
Auntie lisa, was my little angel that night. She even gave me her contact numbers and made me promised to call her when she came back from her visit to australia. Funny part of the story was, she thought me and jack were a pair. Nonetheless, I am still grateful I went to this prayer meeting and met auntie lisa.