Saturday, March 22, 2014


'Teach them to obey everything i have commanded you, and surely I am always with you to the end of the age.' Matt 28:20 

God sees everything good or bad as beautiful and are able to turn it into a blessings. I went to Nick Vujicic's video testimony last friday, invited one of my closest friend in uni to watch his wonderful testimony. We went in with a blank pieces of paper, were told to write three points on 'I am distinctly beautiful because...' If you were to asked by this particular question too, what would you say? think about it. :) My answers were,

I am distinctly beautiful because,
1. I'm not a person with a disability nor face defect.
2. I have a loving family who is proud of me.
3. I'm God's precious daughter.

Life is real, but yet life may not be as beautiful as you think. No matter how much you've wanted or planned your life to be. To have a nice house, to own a cool car, to have a family, to marry a great husband and have kids, to live your life working the career you've always dreamed of, life is still not perfect. Everything will be passed just like that, like you're in a LIVE show, and you couldnt have a rewind or a pause. You gotta move into another show.

And God is real too, more real than you could've imagined. You may say i cannot see, i cannot feel, i cannot touch, but He always are able to show Himself in life to tell us that He is incredibly in love with you and hope you realized that. Each and everyone of us could live and pursue a better life, but why dont we opt for a beautiful one when it is right there before you to say yes to that amazing gift. Focusing on temporary things will only give you temporary happiness, why dont search for an eternal ones. Go, and find out. Find out where's your happiness. Search and look if Jesus Christ is working for you. Remember, God has a purpose for us and this world to live a beautiful life till the end.

ps. 我将这本书送给你,希望你能从GIFT里每天从祂话语中得到那份活着的力量. 生日快乐.(:

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