Thursday, May 22, 2014


While i was sitting in the car, looking out from the window, i saw a girl standing at the bus stop alone, drinking beverage and staring blankly ahead. Then, i saw a group of girls, laughing pretty hard together and one even smacked her friend's shoulder because they were too excited. I look ahead. Everything feels bland at that moment. Everyone 'seems' to live their life according to their own way. So here i ask myself a question, do i live my life my way?

Often, i want to say things that i want and i want to do things that i like. I wish to tell her my problems and not being judged. Or I wish to tell him that i miss him and not being cheesy. I want to leave everything and travel abroad. I want to have a career that i'm in love with. I want to involve only in God's ministry. I keep running to pursue things that i thought i want. Nonetheless, at times, it is not up to us. Life's full of choices. It's scary that you might take the wrong one and you can't find a U-turn. You can only keep heading and try to figure out if there's another path to head back to the right track.

And then, bump! Detour! there comes knocking at the door sending food at the right time, caring words, chats and blessed gifts all around to tell me to stop and look around! I almost thought it was my birthday! God knew what exactly do i need, He knew that i need to slow down my pace instead of keep fighting. All of your kind acts are my motivation to be stronger. There will be times to weep, and there will be times to laugh! Thank you for pushing me further! You all are a bunch of blessings sent by God to me. This is so heartwarming and uplifting!

小天使们啊,你们太甜,我快招架不住了! 感动死我了,爱死你们了! <3

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